One is the minutae of playing a Renaissance Festival King. If you came to this blog looking for some insight on that, sorry to disappoint. There are plenty of pics and articles in many other places online, content both from myself and others. And maybe I'll start a separate blog on that someday.
The other subject I am extremely knowledgable on - as the title of this blog suggests - are the founding and early formative years of Guam's very first commercial radio and television station, KUAM. As of this writing, the station is a few months away from celebrating its 56th year on the air.
However, there is surprisingly little organized information online about its founding. Most of the knowledge exists solely in the minds of the people that lived through it, and those who learned it from them.
I am one of the latter. I have a wealth of information, pics, video, and articles from KUAM's early years. I worked at KUAM on and off for nearly two decades - so long in fact, that I became the station's unofficial historian.
For many years, I have attempted various means of organizing and storing this information online, in the hopes that it will outlast me and be passed on. In the exciting new world of blogging (well, new for me, anyway!), it is my hope that I will finally accomplish that task. I will occasionally enlist the help of others - primarily those people who lived it - and full credit will be given to them for their invaluable contributions.
So pardon my dust while I get things organized around here!
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